Lodges – Luxury, Wilderness and Alpine
Luxury Lodges
These properties offer generous hospitality in luxurious surroundings with a particular emphasis upon well-appointed furnishings and classy interiors. New Zealand Luxury Lodges are a great choice if you want a night or two somewhere extra special during your trip.
At the top end of this style of accommodation are the twin properties of Kauri Cliffs and the Farm at Cape Kidnappers . Both offer breath-taking views of the Ocean and all the attention to detail you would expect of five- star accommodations.
The Lakes region of South Island has a number of distinctive properties in stunning locations such as Hidden Lodge, just outside Queenstown, overlooking Lake Wakatipu and Fiordland Lodge, the perfect retreat after exploring the National Park.
Wilderness Lodges
These lodges, as their name suggests, offer an “away from it all “ experience in wonderful natural surroundings. The best examples are those located in Arthurs Pass National Park and near Lake Moeraki on the West Coast of South Island. They both offer a wide range of activities from guided hikes to kayaking and fly fishing , from sheep dog displays to tours of environmental projects.
Alpine Lodges
Probably more akin to European ski chalets, these lodges double as accommodations for the Winter ski season and as walking centres in the Summer .