Consider yourself a bit of an adventure tourist? Love hunting out unique experiences to share with friends and family? Well, have we got some bucket-list items for you…
Here at Silver Fern Holidays, we love nothing more than a good adventure, and what could be more adventurous than going hunting for some of the world’s most well-loved, and illusive monsters?
We’ve gathered information surrounding some of our favourite creatures, all that’s left to do is book your flight, pack your bag (don’t forget your camera) and go monster hunting!
Bigfoot AKA Sasquatch
A legend as old as the tale of time, the first Sasquatch sighting can be tracked back as far as 986 AD. Over the past 92 years, there have been over 3,313 reported sighting of Bigfoot in the US and Canada. According to cryptozoology studies, the most likely place to spot bigfoot is in the Pacific Northwest, most notably Oregon and Washington.
So, if you’re looking to add something unique to your travel bucket list this year, why not go hunting for Bigfoot?
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Nearest Airports:
There are plenty of large and smaller airports that will get you straight into the forests of Northwest America:
- Easton State Airport
- Lake Wenatchee State Airport
- Portland International Airport
What to Look For:
According to North American folklore, bigfoot is a hairy, upright-walking ape-like being. He stands between 2-2.5 metres in height and, at 22 inches, his feet would be a UK size 21!
- Large footprint
- Thick branches broken high up
- Banging or tree “knocking”
What to Pack:
- Camouflage and waterproof gear
- Plaster of paris
- Insect repellent
- Thermal Imager
- Night-Vision goggles
- Bait
- Bigfoot caller
- Sample bags and gloves
- Compass / GPS
The Loch Ness Monster AKA Nessie
Scotland; home to some of the most breath-taking countryside you’ll ever set eyes on, a rich and vibrant history which has woven itself in to a fine tapestry, the most delicious shortbread and whisky that you’ll ever introduce your taste buds to, and, of course, Nessie!
The Loch Ness Monster was first purportedly spotted on the 22nd of July 1933, when George Spice and his wife saw “a most extraordinary form of animal” cross the road in front of their car.
If you’re keen to add “spot the illustrious Nessie” t your bucket list, it goes without saying that you’ll probably want a boat… but here’s a couple of other top monster-hunting tips to give you the best possible chance of spotting this beauty.
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Nearest Airports:
Don’t waste your time. Hop on a plane and make tracks for Inverness Airport; it’ll get you closest to Loch Ness.
- Inverness Airport
What to Look For:
Nessie clocks in at around 6-9 metres in length and has a long neck and distinct humps which peek out from the surface of the water as she swims around.
- Dark green and black humps breaking the surface
- Patches of disturbed water
What to Pack:
- Boat with sonar equipment
- Lifejacket
- Binoculars
- Camera (standard and underwater)
- Map
- Whiskey
Chupacabra AKA The Goat Sucker
The Chupacabra may be small, clocking in at around 3-4 feet in height, but these tiny beasts pack a real punch.
If you’re feeling brave, why not go hunting for The Goat Sucker on your next trip to north central Mexico or Puerto Rico?
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Nearest Airports:
Pack up your kit and head to the airport. Your best bet is Durango International Airport which gives you quick and easy access to the Northern regions of Mexico.
- Durango Airport
What to Look For:
Physical descriptions of the Chupacabra vary, but they’re all as terrifying as the next! If you’re going hunting for The Goat Sucker, make sure you have a strong constitution as you’ll be looking for a small reptile-like kangaroo-esque creature with leathery, greenish-grey, skin and sharps quills running down its back…
- Dead goats
- Howling
- Footprints
What to Pack:
- Torch
- Compass or GPS
- Night Vision Goggles
- Compressed Air Horn
Bunyip AKA the Kianpraty
Whilst you might be travelling to Australia to soak up the sun and paddle in the crystal-clear waters, if you happen to fancy a dip in a creek or waterhole, be sure to keep a keen out for the Bunyip.
Said to lurk in swamps, billabongs, creeks and other isolated bodies of water, the Bunyip is said to be a dread beast which hides in the darkness of the night in order to creep up on its prey; be it animal or human.
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Nearest Airport:
Fly in to Sydney airport and then take to the road to explore New South Wales and uncover the Bunyip.
- Sydney
What to Look For:
Accounts of what the Bunyip looks like vary from half the size of a retriever dog to around 7 metres from tip of the nose to tip of the tail. Some say that it looks like a cross between an alligator and a horse, and others that it’s like a ferocious seal. One common theme tying all of these accounts together; the best is terrifying to behold.
If you find yourself near a body of water as dusk settles, keep a keen eye out for the following. It might just save your life…
- Flipper prints by the water’s edge
- Hollow, booming calls
- Discarded bones
What to Pack:
- Insect Repellent
- Air Horn
- Flashlight
- Night-Vision Equipment
Putapaiarehe AKA Pale Spirit Being
If you’re visiting New Zealand on a holiday, why not add a little Putapaiarehe hunt to your itinerary? These pale spirit beings are said to live deep in the forests and mountain tops of the North Island, particularly in the area surrounding Auckland such as the Coromandel, Waikato, and the Rotorua hills.
According to many traditional myths, these mysterious, pale-skinned beings could not tolerate the sunlight, and have a fear of cooked foods.
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Nearest Airport:
Getting to New Zealand is a breeze (why not stop off in Australia and go hunting for the Bunyip on the way?). The nearest airport is Auckland International which gives you easy access to Putapaiarehe locations in the North with the Southern locations just a short internal flight away.
- Auckland
What to Look For:
The Putapaiarehe are known for their habit of luring people from safety with the music of their flutes. Once led astray, the men or women were said to either be mistreated and then released or killed. So, go forth with caution!
- Ethereal music
- Unusual patches of mist
- Chattering in the forest
What to Pack:
- Earplugs
- Bait
- Flashlight
- Night-Vision Equipment
Yeti AKA The Abominable Snowman
Ah, the Yeti. Rumour has it that this ginormous creature has been roaming the mountain ranges of East Nepal since 1500 AD, but the world really stood up and took notice when British Explorer Eric Shipton snapped a photograph of a huge footprint in the snow in 1951.
Since then, many sightings have been reported, but no-one’s really gotten up close and personal with the Abominable Snowman himself. Your name could go down in history if you manage to get a good snap, but there’s only one way to do that… let’s go searching for the Yeti!
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Nearest Airport:
Head straight for Kathmandu in Nepal, which gives you great access to the Tibet-Nepal border where Yeti was first spotted!
- Kathmandu, Nepal
What to Look For:
Descriptions of the Yeti all point in the same direction; an ape-like being of around 8 feet tall with a squarish head, huge sloping shoulders, a powerful chest, and covered with reddish brown hair which gives the appearance of fur. Other things to keep an eye out for include:
- Tracks in the snow
- Dead livestock
- Foul smell
What to Pack:
- Snow Gear
- Hiking Boots
- Tent and Sleeping Bag
- Hire a Sherpa to Keep You Safe